Of Office Winks and Crushes

The office is where you spend at least a third of your time each day, and therefore it's only prudent that you get to satiate some of your in-between time with sideshows, amusing things, and what I've come to get accustomed to, silently drooling over visiting or resident eye-candy.

Now where I work is a flourishing space of fauna, with men coming in all forms and sizes: some sporting well-fitting clothes, others too tight, others just right. There are those who know how to clad in order to emphasize their best assests, and there are those who just can't be fashionable to save their lives.

We've also got the extremely young; I'm talking about fresh out of high school or fresh into campus: more often than not, these twinks are bursting at the seams, willing to try new things, grabbing my attention in the process. For instance, yesterday, there was one who cam and sat next to my cubicle, trying to draw my attention with all sorts of ludicrous, simplistic things, such as a cup that changes colour with the temperature of the liquid that occupies it. I swear he tried four times to steer my gaze towards his frolicking.

Don't get me wrong, I don't work in an Academic Institution, but in a place that has a lot of traffic for a lot of aspirations. There's this one intern who knows how to dress strikingly well, and he's got a body and framework that are not deficient in exquisite mould. I'd be lying if I said that I'm not drawn to him most of the time, and it's even worse because in my head, or otherwise, he's thrown me a few looks. Maybe it's wishful thinking, and maybe it's not.

Then my hopes are also kept up by the fact that an old (gay) colleague of mine visited me this week, recounting of how he'd finally got head(no pun intended)wind with a guy I've been silently shuku-ing for long.

You see, Nelson* is a slender guy, and a nerd, who's great with websites and gadgets. A soft spoken fellow who has a sweet smile and some aura about him. My former colleague, Daniel, always secretly had the hots for him but nothing could ever come out of, apparently. But two years down the line and the two got to texting and this turned steamy, with mobile screens getting misty and finally the cat was out of the bag.

Nelson has been rather dodgy with Daniel coming over to his place though, with flimsy excuses like he has his cousins over, or something has come up, but we'll see about how that all goes down. I'll keep you posted.

Meanwhile, here I am, still awkwardly getting winks from strangers - would you believe two guys have winked at me at the office this past week, and I honestly don't know how to react. One is a Senior Security Officer with a multinational in Nairobi and the other is a Finance Director at an NSE-Listed firm. Both are white. Maybe it's a white thing?

Sigh. One thing I do know is that Office Romances are not at all for me...


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    1. Hi Chaje... thanks for taking the time to read through my blog... commenting here is fine, I'll get it ;) How are you?

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    3. ooo... exciting hehe ... Hey, I've sent you a Hangout request with my email :)


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