Repurposing and Reaffirmation

It's about time that I changed the bi-line for my blog, seeing as time has since caught up with me and I'm no longer a 20-something, but an early 30-something now. I've gone through previous posts, and analysed my passions and prompts, sometimes impressed and often embarrased by the thought process that went into writing some of these fictitious and factual memoirs. But you know what? There's no time for apologies, or regrets. We live and we learn, yes?

Over the couple of years that have flown by since my last postings, I've also experienced a rather nasty writers block - you know the one that perfunctorily cuts off the concerted spirit you've had over the course of time, to share pieces of yourself, and your mind, not just on the interwebs, but also in my journal. I've constantly been asking myself what would make me write more... and write better... and write more? And I keep coming back to the simple fact that I should just WRITE.

So I've purposed to explore the depths and the width of this God-given talent of mine to share more of my mind, and my musings, and hopefully inspire, entertain and excite the imagination, the loins and most importantly the mind. I'd like to develop a space where we can meaningfully interact with each other, not with the end result of (just) hooking up, like most gay-friendly online spaces, but with the ultimate goal of exploring our sexuality, delighting in it, developing in it - not as the center of ourselves, but as a part of us that's normal and worth being proud, and not ashamed, of.

Covered Cravings will now be open to guest articles as well, and I welcome all y'all interested in contributing, and passionately exploring themselves through the 'pen', to comment and get in touch, and let's develop an active space that will demystify our experiences, our fears, our dreams and fantasies and our ambitions. Will you join me?
